Can I digitally publish (upload) my books to booksvirtual.com?
Certainly! If you wrote a book you can publish them digitally to our web site
Why should I upload my books to booksvirtual.com web site?
To print your books with traditional paper printing you need to go to a handful of agents and publishers and expect your book fits into their niche, pass their expectations of profit etc. If you do not have necessary connections it will be rather uphill battle to get your books published. Even if some of your books had been published there is a good chance that not all of your works had the same opportunity. While some of your works may have received favorable response others may not have fit into the expectations of the publishers. With booksvirtual.com you can digitally publish almost all your books free of charge.
I am a professional/amateur author. What sort of benefit would I get if I decided to digitally publish my books with boookvirtual.com?
If you have a book that has not been published yet and if you decide to digitally publish with us, your chances of getting really published will increase. When you publish your work with us, your work goes well beyond the borders of your country. Anyone, anywhere in the world can have access to your work. With the help of smart devices like iPod, iPhone and iPad your work could be read virtually by anyone anywhere, anytime. If your book gets good comments your chance of being recognized and being established will increase dramatically! Our web site is the best advertising of your work and you don't have to pay for it!
I would like to get my book digitally published in your web site but I am concerned that others may claim ownership to my work. What should I do?
Unlike patent registration The Copyright Act does not require the completion of registration or the payment of fees in order to obtain protection. Copyright protection is granted automatically from the time an original work is created. You can still warn people for copyright of your work. Although there is no set form of words for a copyright notice still a notice such as follows can be used: This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of (name and address of copyright owner and the year in which the work was made).
If I decide to publish my books digitally with booksvirtual.com would there be a problem if I decided to get them published any other way?
booksvirtual.com connects the writers with the readers. For that purpose we display books in our web site and smart appliances. Other than that we don't claim exclusive rights or place any restriction on your work. We believe we are the future of the reading. However, we believe we assist you getting published traditionally even quicker.
I like writing but the things I write are usually short stories/ scientific articles or poems. Can I get them digitally published in your web site?
If your writings has some literature importance and have new ideas and longer than a few paragraphs say they are in normal characters at least 10 pages or more then certainly upload them. For poetry above restrictions do not apply
Do you have editorial services?
Certainly! If you would like us to provide necessary editorial services to your book please contact us. The service is not free and we will let you know the charge once we inspect your work.
In what languages can I get my books digitally published?
Currently we are accepting books in English, Chinese and Turkish. This list may change in the future though. Keep in touch.
What category of books can you publish?
The main page of booksvirtual.com has different categories. You need to decide which category your book belongs to. You can choose up to 3 categories. Remember obscene and advertisement related books will not be given a chance to be published. For other restrictions on the publishing prohibitions please read terms of use.
Can I upload other author's book to your web site?
If you are not the author of the book, you can still upload it to our web site as long as it has no copyright protection. In Australia the copyright expires 55 years after the death of the author. Before you upload books please check the copyright laws of your country as the copyrights may show significant changes from a country to another. Also please make sure the same book is not already uploaded.
You don't charge users for books they download from your site. How can I assist you uploading books without copyrights to your site?
We welcome volunteers who can scan the books using OCR software. You can scan books this way and turn them into electronic format. After this transformation you can edit the text for any possible mistakes that may have occurred during the scan process. If you forward this information to us in a windows word document or similar we can edit them one more time and electronically publish the book.
How can I upload a book to booksvirtual.com?
To begin with the book needs to be in electronic text format. Following are the steps you need to follow:
If your word processor cannot save documents as PDF file then after you made character size, font and margin changes, you need to use a 3rd party product to convert your file into PDF.
Why Should I be a member?
If you just want to download books from our web site you don't need to be a member. However if you want to upload books or make comments to other books then you need to be a member. Also in order to use our mobile applications you need to be a member; for iPhone, iPad and similar applications you just need to enter your member information only once. This way you can make comments about the eBooks and you can sync your portable device library with your PC's, and vice versa.
How can I be a member?
Membership is quite simple. Just click on the new user button. Enter your email address and an easy to remember password and click on sign up button. You will receive a confirmation email from us. Here you go! You are already a member!
I uploaded my book still I cannot see it in the books list. Why?
You may need to wait a few days before your book is displayed. If after a week your book is still not displayed then you can contact us. Remember books for advertisements purposes and obscene content will be barred. For other restrictions please refer to terms and policies.
I saw a book in your website I know this book belongs to incorrect author. What should I do?
Please contact us. The site is not responsible for members uploading books that infringe other authors' rights including copyrights. However we will take the corrective actions.
I saw a book in your web site. I know that this book should have copyright protection. What should I do?
Please contact us. The site is not responsible for members uploading books that infringe other authors' rights including copyrights. However we will remove the books that infringe copyrights.
I saw a book in your web site with improper or false content. What should I do?
Please contact us. However we are not responsible for the content of the books. If a book is outside our terms and policies we will remove it. The words ideas and beliefs argued in a book belong to its writer. It does not represent our views. If this is your concern then simply do not read this book. You can punish them by not reading it or posting your negative comment in a civilized way.
Can I copy the book from your web site to another web site?
The books you will download from booksvirtual.com and its affiliated web site applications and smart appliance software is yours to read. If you wish you can read these books from your computer or another application such as iPhone, iPod or iPad and others. If you like you can get a print of the book for your own use. If you do not like the book you can delete it. However you cannot display any book from our web site and let them available to others for a price or free. You cannot use whole or part of any book for any means of distribution whether it can be commercial or non commercial purpose. If there is author's copyright in the book you cannot use it for a movie or play adaptation or even for an academic purpose such as a doctorate or master thesis without written consent of the copyright holder.
We are book publishers we are interested in a book or books. What should we do?
Please contact us. If the book belongs to a living author, we will provide your information to them subject to they are interested.
How Can I download a book to my computer?
Please go to the detail page of the book you want to download by clicking the small cover page. Read the description of the book. If this is what you are interested, click on the download button and choose a directory location on your computer to download.
How can I read the books in your web site?
For this you have different choices. The books boooksvirtual.com provide come in PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format). In order to read the books you downloaded from our web sites you need the Adobe Reader software. Adobe reader software is free software. After you install our application to your smart appliances such as iPod, iPhone and iPad you can also read the books directly from those devices.
What is Adobe Reader?
Adobe Reader is an application that lets the user to read different files without being able to change them. Once you install the free Adobe Reader you are ready to use it to read the books from our web sites. By using this application you can also print the files you are viewing.
Where can I obtain Adobe Reader?
To download Adobe Reader please click the icon below and follow the instructions.
If above link is not working then please visit www.adobe.com and follow the instructions to download the adobe reader.
Why the font size in Adobe Reader looks too big? How can I fix it?
To read the text comfortably you need to change the size of the text. In order to do that, choose view option on top and reduce the size by selecting zoom option.
How can I get a print out of the books?
To do this you can use the print function of the Adobe Reader. Before you print the whole book please print first page to test the size of the print. Since the fonts are usually in size 32 you may wish to print 2 pages to fit into A4 paper. Despite the printing availability our purpose is to provide you an environment where you can read the books directly from the computers and smart devices.
How long is it going to take to download/upload a book to/from my computer?
This will depend on the file you are uploading or downloading. Depending on the internet speed and he size of the file this period may vary between 1 and 15 minutes.
Can my computer get a virus when I download files?
Our files are scanned for viruses with the latest technology available. We also recommend you to use a virus protection on your PC.
What should I do if I disconnect from internet during upload/download?
If this happens you need to try the process from the beginning. Drop of internet services during uploads and downloads will cause files to be incomplete or damaged.